Thursday, April 21, 2011

Congratulations, 2011 Contest Winners Asma Hamid, E. B. Javidan, and Colleen Foster

To read the winning works, click on their titles below.

Asma Hamid wins a Link Poetry $250 First Prize for a body of work of which "Searching," "A Meditation on Emily Dickinson's 'Bring Me the Sunset in a Cup'," and "Journey" are representative.

Colleen Foster wins a Link Poetry $100 Second Prize, sponsored by the Willa Cather Institute, for a body of work of which "Down It," "Taking Inventory," and "Replay" are representative.

E. B. Javidan wins the Souders Fiction $250 Prize for her short story "The Time of Carolina."

The winners will be publicly recognized during the Shenandoah University Honor's Day Ceremony on Friday, May 6, at 1:00 p.m., in the Stimpson auditorium. The ceremony is open to the University community.

The winning works will be published in the fall 2011 edition of Avalon, the SU student literary and arts magazine. Hard copies of the winning works are available on the Writing Contest bulletin board next to Gregory 111.

The Link and Souders Prizes are sponsored by the Shenandoah University Department of English.